Practice Areas

Family Mediation

Ideally, no family would ever be forced to deal with a legal dispute, but all too often they arise. In many cases, these disputes are related to the end of a marriage. A couple that intended to spend the rest of their lives together decide it is no longer working and they need to alter their situation.

Business Mediation

Mediation is one of the most effective methods for resolving legal issues and business disputes are no exception. Business mediation saves time and money, and prevents damage in important and beneficial business relationships.

Collaborative Practice

A collaborative practice can help you resolve a variety of legal disputes outside of the courtroom. The process involves a team of people who are there to support, guide, and protect parties involved in settling the dispute. Each party has his or her own attorney, and several third-party neutrals are on hand to provide advice and information.

The Massachusetts legal system allows for something called Limited Assistance Representation, or LAR, which is when an attorney represents or assists a client with only part of his or her legal matter. There are many instances in which partial assistance would be appropriate and the benefit to the client is that it makes legal representation more affordable.