Collaborative Law became available in Massachusetts about 20 years ago and is becoming more popular as an efficient way to get a divorce and avoid the time and expense of litigation. Getting divorced via collaborative law involves both parties, both attorneys and a divorce coach all sitting together in the same room and negotiating. It is an efficient way to settle things quickly. There is no back and forth between lawyers and experts. A divorce coach is a mental health professional who helps the parties deal with their communication and emotional concerns during the divorce process as well as parenting issues. Often during collaborative practice, it is helpful to use a financial neutral who works for both parties in helping them make sound financial decisions regarding support, taxation, assets, liabilities, pensions and budgeting. Parties find it comforting to have experts like coaches, lawyers and financial neutrals all in the same room working together to achieve an outcome that serves both parties. With collaborative law, a win-win is possible. If you live in Shrewsbury, Massachusetts or anywhere else in Worcester County, give me a call.