Divorce Mediation in Auburn MA
Auburn Massachusetts is a township in Worcester County. It is directly south of Worcester and borders Leicester, Millbury, and Oxford. It has a mid-sized population of more than 17,000 people with a large portion of the population being made up of families. Many of the families work in the Auburn area or commute north to Worcester or even further to Boston. With so many families in the area, it is important for couples that are seeking separation to work with a mediator that has both the legal experience necessary for separation and the experience mediating to help couples find amicable solutions for themselves and their children.
Family Mediation in Auburn
Divorce is a challenging process. And the traditional format makes it so much worse. Going through the court system not only requires a lot of money to be wasted on legal fees, but it also makes the process more vicious. Through mediation, couples can respectfully discuss their separation with the help of a single mediator. Instead of needing to fight in a long, drawn-out battle between two attorneys and a judge, couples can easily navigate through disputes with a mediator. This is especially important for families. Children, whether they are older teenagers or young kids, can go through a lot of pain during divorce proceedings. Using a mediator helps find the best solutions for your children instead of having to engage in fierce custody battles. Mediation is right for any couple that wants to separate amicably and is willing to compromise towards the common goal of maintaining peace throughout the process. Deirdre Healy can help Auburn-based couples navigate through this process.
Business Mediation For Companies in Auburn MA
Deirdre Healy also provides business mediation services for companies in Auburn Massachusetts. Similarly to family mediation, business mediation helps companies find solutions through compromise instead of needing to go to court. By settling out of court, all parties can avoid legal fees and wasted time. With Deirdre Healy, companies can sit down with other parties and find win-win solutions that will satisfy everyone. Because Deirdre Healy has extensive legal experience, she is able to recommend solutions that benefit all involved parties and see these situations through engulfment.
For more information on her legal services or to schedule an appointment with Deirdre at her office in Worcester, Massachusetts, contact her at 508.890.7900 or by email at dhealy@dhealylaw.com
Disclaimer: Contacting via email or phone does not establish attorney/client privilege.