Business Mediation in Holden MA
Holden, Massachusetts is a town in Worcester County. Like many of its neighboring towns, Holden is home to many families. According to census data, a large majority of the Holden population are families. This is in part because, Holden is an area where many men and women who work in Worcester or the greater Boston area live. Compared to the city, the population is older and more settled. As a divorce lawyer and practicing mediator in Worcester, Deirdre Healy often works with Holden families to help them find amicable solutions through the process of mediation.
Family Mediation Services for Holden MA
Deirdre Healy is an experienced divorce attorney and family mediator. Her office, located in Worcester, has helped many couples that are seeking mediation services. Compared to traditional litigation, meditation provides many benefits for couples. These benefits include cost, time, privacy, and the transition into your new life. Mediation requires is especially good for families that need to navigate decisions on parenting time. Deirdre Healy also works with couples that need to modify their existing orders. The goal of mediation is to always seek out solutions that equally benefit all members involved. Through mediation, parents can find parenting time solutions that work with their new locations, schedules, and jobs. And if anything changes and they need to be amended, they can be modified easily through a mediator.
Business Mediation For Companies in Paxton
Business mediation utilizes the same principles of regular mediation but for companies and employees. There are many cases where a company will need to settle disagreements through legal channels. From small start ups to large companies, the best way to handle a dispute is to seek mediation services. Deirdre Healy works with businesses to help employees, owners, and third parties settle disputes outside of a traditional court room. Through mediation, all parties will work to find a solution that they can all walk away happy with.
To learn more about the services Deirdre Healy provides, or to ask her a question, please contact her office online. She will get back to you to discuss any questions you may have about family mediation or business mediation.
Disclaimer: Contacting via email or phone does not establish attorney/client privilege.